Self Assessment



This semester has taught me so many things regarding developing my rhetorical skills. In the beginning of class I wanted to improve on my ability to read better and to corroborate reading to a higher degree. I also wanted to enhance my critical thinking and reading interpretation. Which I feel like I have done well. The discussion responses allowed me to further my thinking and my critical reading. I have built so many skills to help me in the future. In my research essay, some skills I learned is writing a proper essay. Steps in doing so include prewriting which is where we gather our topic and formulate ideas. Next is the drafting where we would test multiple different methods of writing. Then we would revise and refine the content and information. Making sure the structure is strong. We then learned in class how adding figurative language will allow you take your work the next level. Adding figurative language pulls the audience in and makes them more inclined to read your work. Another skill I built in class is learning to proofread everything I write. Usually when we tend to write, there are silly mistakes such as grammatical errors and lack of punctuation. Proof reading allows you to fix those mistakes before it too late. Reading your work over again allows you to make sure your paper flows correctly. Having the seamless connection throughout your papers is something I learned to be very important. Having each idea coincide allows the reader to fully grasp what you are identifying. Another thing I learned is how to cite properly. Citing properly allows you to give credit to the correct author and allows you to have that credibility with your work. Citing allows you to take your work to the next level. Referencing your citation in you work allows you to corroborate ideas with the researcher. It’s a good way to support your claims. In my research essay, I had to proofread multiple times to make sure there weren’t any punctuation mistakes, since I had so many other mistakes. An issue I ran into when writing my discovery essay was the format of it. I first formatted it in a way where you couldn’t tell the intended audience. I had to change the organization layout of my essay to accommodate a certain paragraph. This is something I can improve on and is one of my weaknesses. Upon fixing the paragraph and highlighting new information in the essay it allowed readers and easier grasp on my reading. I had the same issue when writing my LLN essay. There were issues with my formatting. The way it was written limited interpretation. The story didn’t really flow together, it was only after I revised it multiple times and added key Information was I able to make it all come together. For my multimodal Project, it was simple because it was based off my discovery essay, which I already perfected. But proofreading the information is still necessary in this section. In my introductory writing, I wanted to improve on my overall flow of writing. I feel that throughout this semester I Improve more on this area, but still lack on this ability. I need to keep working on this section of writing to ensure that its strong. Also being able to continuously proofread will allow less silly mistake in the future.